There are two ways to call GetCenter:
vertexBuffer and indexBuffer are both zero: in this case the instance will be
recalculated when needed. It is expected the client does not
need the arrays itself or there is no performance issue.
vertexBuffer and indexBuffer are both given: the call is placed directly after
updateBuffer calls and no structural change to depending instances have
been done in between. The transformationMatrix array is not needed,
even if it is being used due to not giving any performance gain to this
Note: internally the call does not store its results, any optimization based on known
dependencies between instances need to be implemented on the client.
Note: in case precision is important and vertex array is 32 bit it is advised to
set vertexBuffer and indexBuffer to 0 even if arrays are existing.
// // Strong typing definition // void GetCenter( OwlInstance owlInstance, const void * vertexBuffer, const void * indexBuffer, double * center ); static inline void GetCenter( OwlInstance owlInstance, double * center ) { const void * vertexBuffer = nullptr, * indexBuffer = nullptr; GetCenter( owlInstance, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, center ); } // // Weak typing definition // void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall GetCenter( int64_t owlInstance, const void * vertexBuffer, const void * indexBuffer, double * center ); static inline void GetCenter( int64_t owlInstance, double * center ) { const void * vertexBuffer = nullptr, * indexBuffer = nullptr; GetCenter( owlInstance, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, center ); }