// // Strong typing definition // OwlInstance CreateInstanceWEx( OwlModel model, OwlClass owlClass, const wchar_t * name ); static inline OwlInstance CreateInstanceWEx( OwlModel model, OwlClass owlClass, wchar_t * name ) { return CreateInstanceWEx( model, owlClass, (const wchar_t*) name ); } static inline OwlInstance CreateInstanceWEx( OwlModel model, OwlClass owlClass ) { const wchar_t * name = nullptr; return CreateInstanceWEx( model, owlClass, (const wchar_t*) name ); } // // Weak typing definition // int64_t __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall CreateInstanceWEx( int64_t model, int64_t owlClass, const wchar_t * name ); static inline int64_t CreateInstanceWEx( int64_t model, int64_t owlClass, wchar_t * name ) { return CreateInstanceWEx( model, owlClass, (const wchar_t*) name ); } static inline int64_t CreateInstanceWEx( int64_t model, int64_t owlClass ) { const wchar_t * name = nullptr; return CreateInstanceWEx( model, owlClass, (const wchar_t*) name ); }
Property model
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)Property owlClass
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)Property name
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call CreateInstanceWEx can be used.
#include "./include/engine.h" #include <cmath> int64_t model = CreateModel(); if (model) { // // The following setting makes sure all class handled are in an ordered list // In certain cases where several models are open or in case of conversion // between formats this can be handy and / or time efficient. // int64_t classCnt = 0; OrderedHandles(model, &classCnt, nullptr, nullptr, 1, 1); // // Classes // int64_t myClass = CreateClassW(model, L"MyCreatedClass"); assert(myClass == classCnt + 1); // // Datatype Properties (attributes) // int64_t propertyLength = GetPropertyByNameW(model, L"length"); // // Instances (creating) // int64_t myInstance = CreateInstanceWEx(model, myClass, nullptr); double length = 2.; SetDatatypeProperty(myInstance, propertyLength, &length, 1); assert(GetVolume(myInstance, 0, 0) == 0.); wchar_t * classNameI = nullptr; GetNameOfClassWEx(model, myClass, &classNameI); SetNameOfClassWEx(model, myClass, L"OtherClassName"); wchar_t * classNameII = nullptr; GetNameOfClassWEx(model, myClass, &classNameII); SetClassParentEx(model, myClass, GetClassByNameW(model, L"Cube"), 1); assert(GetVolume(myInstance, 0, 0) == 8.); SetNameOfClassWEx(model, myClass, L"OutOfIdeasForClassName"); wchar_t * classNameIII = nullptr; GetNameOfClassWEx(model, myClass, &classNameIII); // // The retrieved class names have the following values // classNameI : 'MyCreatedClass' // classNameII : 'OtherClassName' // classNameIII : 'OutOfIdeasForClassName' // // // The resulting model can be viewed in 3D-Editor.exe // SaveModelW(model, L"c:\\created\\myFile.bin"); CloseModel(model); }