The setting and mask can be used to order the handles given for classes,
properties and instances.
1 - if set this will number all classes with possible values [1 .. classCnt]
2 - if set this will number all classes with possible values [1 .. propertyCnt]
4 - if set this will number all classes with possible values [1 .. instanceCnt]
Note: when enabling ordered handles be aware that classes, properties and instances
can share the same handles, using the correct argument cannot be checked anymore
by the library itself. This could result in crashes in case of incorrect assignments
by the hosting application.
Note: internally there is no performance gain / loss. This is purely meant for situations
where the hosting application can benefit performance wise from having an ordered list.
Note: use in combination with other libraries is not advised, i.e. when combined with the
IFC generation from the IFC Engine component for example
// // Strong typing definition // void OrderedHandles( OwlModel model, int64_t * classCnt, int64_t * propertyCnt, int64_t * instanceCnt, uint64_t setting, uint64_t mask ); // // Weak typing definition // void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall OrderedHandles( int64_t model, int64_t * classCnt, int64_t * propertyCnt, int64_t * instanceCnt, uint64_t setting, uint64_t mask );