This function returns the shortest distance between two instances.
public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll";
[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetDistance")]
public static extern double GetDistance(Int64 firstOwlInstance, Int64 secondOwlInstance, out double pointFirstInstance, out double pointSecondInstance, byte allowCalculateInstance);
[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetDistance")]
public static extern double GetDistance(Int64 firstOwlInstance, Int64 secondOwlInstance, IntPtr pointFirstInstance, IntPtr pointSecondInstance, byte allowCalculateInstance);
public static double GetDistance(Int64 firstOwlInstance, Int64 secondOwlInstance, out double pointFirstInstance)
return GetDistance(firstOwlInstance, secondOwlInstance, out pointFirstInstance, IntPtr.Zero, false);
Property firstOwlInstance
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
The handle to the specific instance in the design tree.
Property secondOwlInstance
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
The handle to the specific instance in the design tree.
Property pointFirstInstance
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)
The pointFirstInstance is expected to be a 3 element double value allocated by the host (i.e. 24 bytes). The function will fill in X, Y, Z as the point in the shape of the first instance closest to the second instance.
Property pointSecondInstance
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)
The pointSecondInstance is expected to be a 3 element double value allocated by the host (i.e. 24 bytes). The function will fill in X, Y, Z as the point in the shape of the second instance closest to the first instance.
Property allowCalculateInstance
Size: 8 bit / 1 byte (value)
In case one or both instances require recalculation this property defines if this should be executed.