
Sets or updates the name of the property, it returns 0 on success.

Error return codes:
    0 successful
    1 argument model or rdfProperty is incorrect (not a proper handle to an active property)
    2 argument name is incorrect (nullptr or zero length name)
    3 the name of rdfProperty is locked
    4 name is already used by another class
    5 name is already used by a property
    6 name is already used by an instance
    7 undefined error

This call has the same behavior as SetNameOfProperty, however needs to be used in case properties are exchanged as a successive series of integers.


public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll";

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "SetNameOfPropertyEx")]
public static extern Int64 SetNameOfPropertyEx(Int64 model, Int64 rdfProperty, string name);

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "SetNameOfPropertyEx")]
public static extern Int64 SetNameOfPropertyEx(Int64 model, Int64 rdfProperty, byte[] name);    

Property model

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
The handle to the model. The model handle is static during its existance. Several models can be opened simultaniously within one session. Different models are always independent, threads are allowed to be running on different models simultaniously.

Property rdfProperty

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
This attribute represents a handle to the property, this can be either a datatype property (attribute), an object property (relation) or non-defined property. The handle will be static during the life-time of the model, when the model (or part of it) is saved and opened again, the handle will most probably be different.

Property name

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)
This attribute represents the name of the property; either a datatype property or a relation (given as char array / ASCII). The name is given by the host and the attribute is not changed.

Example (based on pure API calls)

Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call SetNameOfPropertyEx can be used.

using RDF;      //  include at least engine.cs within your solution

static void Main(string[] args)
    Int64 model = RDF.engine.CreateModel();

    if (model != 0)
        //  The following setting makes sure all properties handled are in an ordered list
        //  In certain cases where several models are open or in case of conversion
        //  between formats this can be handy and / or time efficient.
        Int64   propertyCnt = 0;
        RDF.engine.OrderedHandles(model, (IntPtr) null, out propertyCnt, (IntPtr) null, 2, 2);

        //  Classes
        Int64   classCollection = RDF.engine.GetClassByName(model, "Collection"),
                classCube = RDF.engine.GetClassByName(model, "Cube");

        //  Object Properties (relations)
        Int64   propertyAbcd = RDF.engine.CreateProperty(model, RDF.engine.OBJECTPROPERTY_TYPE, "abcd"),
                propertyObjects = RDF.engine.GetPropertyByName(model, "objects");
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(propertyAbcd == propertyCnt + 1);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(propertyObjects > 0 && propertyObjects <= propertyCnt);

        //  Datatype Properties (attributes)
        Int64   propertyLength = RDF.engine.GetPropertyByName(model, "length"),
                propertyEfgh = RDF.engine.CreateProperty(model, RDF.engine.DATATYPEPROPERTY_TYPE_DOUBLE, "efgh");
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(propertyLength > 0 && propertyLength <= propertyCnt);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(propertyEfgh == propertyCnt + 2);

        //  Instances (creating)
        Int64   instanceCollection = RDF.engine.CreateInstance(classCollection, (string) null),
                instanceCube = RDF.engine.CreateInstance(classCube, (string) null);

        double  length = 2.0,
                efgh = 1.7;

        RDF.engine.SetDatatypeProperty(instanceCube, propertyLength, ref length, 1);
        RDF.engine.SetDatatypeProperty(instanceCollection, propertyEfgh, ref efgh, 1);

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(RDF.engine.GetVolume(instanceCollection, (IntPtr) 0, (IntPtr) 0) == 0.0);

        IntPtr  propertyNamePtrI = IntPtr.Zero;
        RDF.engine.GetNameOfPropertyEx(model, propertyAbcd, out propertyNamePtrI);
        string propertyNameI = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(propertyNamePtrI);

        IntPtr  propertyNamePtrII = IntPtr.Zero;
        RDF.engine.GetNameOfPropertyEx(model, propertyEfgh, out propertyNamePtrII);
        string propertyNameII = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(propertyNamePtrII);

        RDF.engine.SetNameOfPropertyEx(model, propertyAbcd, "InverseRelationControledByThirdParty");

        RDF.engine.SetObjectProperty(instanceCube, propertyAbcd, ref instanceCollection, 1);
        RDF.engine.SetObjectProperty(instanceCollection, propertyObjects, ref instanceCube, 1);

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(RDF.engine.GetVolume(instanceCollection, (IntPtr) 0, (IntPtr) 0) == 8.0);

        IntPtr  propertyNamePtrIII = IntPtr.Zero;
        RDF.engine.GetNameOfPropertyEx(model, propertyAbcd, out propertyNamePtrIII);
        string propertyNameIII = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(propertyNamePtrIII);

        //  The retrieved property names have the following values 
        //      propertyNameI   :  'abcd'
        //      propertyNameII  :  'efgh'
        //      propertyNameIII :  'InverseRelationControledByThirdParty'

        //  The resulting model can be viewed in 3D-Editor.exe
        RDF.engine.SaveModel(model, "c:\\created\\myFile.bin");