The mask defined what type of information can be retrieved from this call, the mask is a bitwise definition.
bit 0: Check Design Tree Consistency
bit 1: Check Consistency for Triangle Output (through API)
bit 2: Check Consistency for Line Output (through API)
bit 3: Check Consistency for Point Output (through API)
bit 4: Check Consistency for Generated Surfaces (through API)
bit 5: Check Consistency for Generated Surfaces (internal)
bit 6: Check Consistency for Generated Solids (through API)
bit 7: Check Consistency for Generated Solids (internal)
bit 8: Check Consistency for BoundingBox's
bit 9: Check Consistency for Triangulation
bit 10: Check Consistency for Relations (through API)
bit 16: Contains (Closed) Solid(s)
bit 18: Contains (Closed) Infinite Solid(s)
bit 20: Contains Closed Surface(s)
bit 21: Contains Open Surface(s)
bit 22: Contains Closed Infinite Surface(s)
bit 23: Contains Open Infinite Surface(s)
bit 24: Contains Closed Line(s)
bit 25: Contains Open Line(s)
bit 26: Contains Closed Infinite Line(s) [i.e. both ends in infinity]
bit 27: Contains Open Infinite Line(s) [i.e. one end in infinity]
bit 28: Contains (Closed) Point(s)
If a bit in the mask is set and the result of the check has an issue, the resulting value will have this bit set.
i.e. any non-zero return value in Check Consistency is an indication that something is wrong or unexpected regarding the given instance;
any non-zero return value in Contains is an indication that this type of geometry is expected regarding the given instance;
public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll"; [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "CheckInstanceConsistency")] public static extern UInt64 CheckInstanceConsistency(Int64 owlInstance, UInt64 mask);