
This function is meant for debugging purposes and return statistics during processing.
The return value represents the number of active instances within the model (or zero if the instance was not recognized).


public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll";

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetInstanceMetaInfo")]
public static extern Int64 GetInstanceMetaInfo(Int64 owlInstance, out Int64 allocatedBlocks, out Int64 allocatedBytes);

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetInstanceMetaInfo")]
public static extern Int64 GetInstanceMetaInfo(Int64 owlInstance, out Int64 allocatedBlocks, IntPtr allocatedBytes);

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetInstanceMetaInfo")]
public static extern Int64 GetInstanceMetaInfo(Int64 owlInstance, IntPtr allocatedBlocks, out Int64 allocatedBytes);

[DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetInstanceMetaInfo")]
public static extern Int64 GetInstanceMetaInfo(Int64 owlInstance, IntPtr allocatedBlocks, IntPtr allocatedBytes);    

Property owlInstance

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
The handle to the specific instance in the design tree. The instance handle is static within one open model but is most probably different when the same instance is opened in another model. The instance is always exactly of one unique class.

Property allocatedBlocks

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)
The number of allocated memory blocks available in the current instance of the Library within the current instance. Only memory blocks coordinated by the internal memory manager are counted.

Property allocatedBytes

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)
The total number of bytes within the allocated memory blocks available in the current instance of the Library within the current instance.