If input instance is zero, the handle will point to the first relevant instance.
If all instances are past (or no relevant instances are found), the function will return 0.
public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll"; [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetInstancesByIterator")] public static extern Int64 GetInstancesByIterator(Int64 model, Int64 owlInstance);
Property model
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)Property owlInstance
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call GetInstancesByIterator can be used.
using RDF; // include at least engine.cs within your solution public Int64 GetInstanceCnt(Int64 model) { Int64 instanceCnt = 0, myIteratedInstance = RDF.engine.GetInstancesByIterator(model, 0); while (myIteratedInstance != 0) { IntPtr instanceNamePtr = IntPtr.Zero; RDF.engine.GetNameOfInstance(myIteratedInstance, out instanceNamePtr); string instanceName = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(instanceNamePtr); Console.WriteLine(instanceName); IntPtr classNamePtr = IntPtr.Zero; RDF.engine.GetNameOfClass(RDF.engine.GetInstanceClass(myIteratedInstance), out classNamePtr); string className = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(classNamePtr); Console.WriteLine(className); myIteratedInstance = RDF.engine.GetInstancesByIterator(model, myIteratedInstance); instanceCnt++; } Console.WriteLine(); return instanceCnt; } public void Example() { Int64 model = RDF.engine.CreateModel(); if (model != 0) { Int64 instanceCnt = GetInstanceCnt(model); // // Add a new instance // RDF.engine.CreateInstance(RDF.engine.GetClassByName(model, "Collection"), "CreatedInstanceToTestInstanceCnt"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(GetInstanceCnt(model) == instanceCnt + 1); Int64 instanceCntThroughAPI = 0; RDF.engine.OrderedHandles(model, (IntPtr) null, (IntPtr) null, out instanceCntThroughAPI, 0, 0); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(GetInstanceCnt(model) == instanceCntThroughAPI); RDF.engine.CloseModel(model); } }