The return value represents the number of active models within the session (or zero if the model was not recognized).
public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll"; [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, out Int64 activeClasses, out Int64 removedClasses, out Int64 activeProperties, out Int64 removedProperties, out Int64 activeInstances, out Int64 removedInstances, out Int64 inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, out Int64 activeClasses, out Int64 removedClasses, out Int64 activeProperties, out Int64 removedProperties, IntPtr activeInstances, IntPtr removedInstances, IntPtr inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, out Int64 activeClasses, out Int64 removedClasses, IntPtr activeProperties, IntPtr removedProperties, out Int64 activeInstances, out Int64 removedInstances, out Int64 inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, out Int64 activeClasses, out Int64 removedClasses, IntPtr activeProperties, IntPtr removedProperties, IntPtr activeInstances, IntPtr removedInstances, IntPtr inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, IntPtr activeClasses, IntPtr removedClasses, out Int64 activeProperties, out Int64 removedProperties, out Int64 activeInstances, out Int64 removedInstances, out Int64 inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, IntPtr activeClasses, IntPtr removedClasses, out Int64 activeProperties, out Int64 removedProperties, IntPtr activeInstances, IntPtr removedInstances, IntPtr inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, IntPtr activeClasses, IntPtr removedClasses, IntPtr activeProperties, IntPtr removedProperties, out Int64 activeInstances, out Int64 removedInstances, out Int64 inactiveInstances); [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "GetModelMetaInfo")] public static extern Int64 GetModelMetaInfo(Int64 model, IntPtr activeClasses, IntPtr removedClasses, IntPtr activeProperties, IntPtr removedProperties, IntPtr activeInstances, IntPtr removedInstances, IntPtr inactiveInstances);