bit 0:
0 Input as expected
1 Encountered an issue on input value, i.e. property was not recognized as property
bit 1:
0 No 'child' properties found
1 Properties found that had this property as a parent, they are adjusted by inheriting directly removed properties parents if present
bit 2:
0 No instances found with value restrictions for this property
1 Vertex does contain 3D point info
bit 3:
0 No instances found with values for this property
1 Vertex does contain 3D normal vector info => if set, bit 4 will also be set
bit 6:
0 Vertex does not contain first 2D texture info
1 Vertex does contain first 2D texture info
bit 7:
0 Vertex does not contain second 2D texture info
1 Vertex does contain second 2D texture info => if set, bit 6 will also be set
Error return codes:
0 successful
1 argument rdfProperty is incorrect (not a proper handle to an active property)
2 another property is dependent on the property to be deleted (for example through an inheritance relation)
3 an instance has a non-zero cardinality for the property to be deleted
4 undefined error
public const string enginedll = @"engine.dll"; [DllImport(enginedll, EntryPoint = "RemoveProperty")] public static extern Int64 RemoveProperty(Int64 rdfProperty);