
Iterates attributes of unique rule. Returns first attribute name if prev is NULL. Returns NULL when prev is the name of the last attribute.


//   Strong typing definition
SdaiString      engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                        UniqueRule              rule,
                        SdaiString              prev,
                        SdaiString              * domain

static  inline  SdaiString  engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                                    UniqueRule              rule,
                                    char                    * prev,
                                    char                    ** domain
    return  engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                    (SdaiString) prev,
                    (SdaiString*) domain

//   Weak typing definition
const char  __declspec(dllexport) * __stdcall   engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                                                        void                    * rule,
                                                        const char              * prev,
                                                        const char              ** domain

static  inline  const char  * engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                                    void                    * rule,
                                    char                    * prev,
                                    char                    ** domain
    return  engiGetEntityUniqueRuleAttributeByIterator(
                    (const SdaiString) prev,
                    (const SdaiString*) domain

Property rule

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property prev

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property domain

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)