
Returns a handle to the instance representing the head of design tree within the Geometry Kernel. Note: the STEP Engine uses one or more models within the Geometry Kernel to generate design trees within the Geometry Kernel. All Geometry Kernel calls can be called with the STEP instance handle also, however most correct would be to get and use the Geometry Kernel handle.


//   Strong typing definition
void            owlGetInstance(
                        SdaiModel               model,
                        SdaiInstance            instance,
                        int64_t                 * owlInstance

//   Weak typing definition
void    __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall   owlGetInstance(
                                                                        int_t                   model,
                                                                        int_t                   instance,
                                                                        int64_t                 * owlInstance

Property model

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (value)
The handle to the model. The model handle is static during its existance. Several models can be opened simultaniously within one session. Different models are always independent, threads are allowed to be running on different models simultaniously.

Property instance

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (value)

Property owlInstance

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)