// // Strong typing definition // ValidationResults validateModel( SdaiModel model ); // // Weak typing definition // void __declspec(dllexport) * __stdcall validateModel( int_t model );
Property model
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (value)???.
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call validateModel can be used.
#include "./include/ifcengine.h" #include <assert.h> void UsageExample( SdaiModel model ) { // set options if needed validateSetOptions( 10, // limit validation processing to work for 10 seconds 100, // limit validation processing to find 100 issues 0, enum_validation_type::__WHERE_RULE // exclude where rules check ); ValidationResults results = validateModel(model); for (ValidationIssue issue = validateGetFirstIssue(results); issue; issue = validateGetNextIssue(issue)) { SdaiInstance inst = validateGetInstance(issue); const char * desc = validateGetDescription(issue); ... } if (validateGetStatus(results)!=enum_validation_status::__COMPLETE_ALL) { printf("There may be more issues, increase limits\n"); } validateFreeResults(results); }