Table 1 – Required value buffer depending on valueType (on the example of sdaiGetAggrByIndex but valid for all get-functions)
valueType C/C++ C#
sdaiINTEGER int_t val; int_t val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiINTEGER, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiINTEGER, out val);
sdaiREAL or sdaiNUMBER double val; double val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiREAL, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiREAL, out val);
sdaiBOOLEAN SdaiBoolean val; bool val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiBOOLEAN, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiBOOLEAN, out val);
sdaiLOGICAL const TCHAR* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiLOGICAL, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiLOGICAL, out val);
sdaiENUM const TCHAR* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiENUM, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiENUM, out val);
sdaiBINARY const TCHAR* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiBINARY, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiBINARY, out val);
sdaiSTRING const char* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiSTRING, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiSTRING, out val);
sdaiUNICODE const wchar_t* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiUNICODE, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiUNICODE, out val);
sdaiEXPRESSSTRING const char* val; string val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiEXPRESSSTRING, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiEXPRESSSTRING, out val);
sdaiINSTANCE SdaiInstance val; int_t val;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiINSTANCE, &val); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiINSTANCE, out val);
sdaiAGGR SdaiAggr aggr; int_t aggr;
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiAGGR, &aggr); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiAGGR, out aggr);
sdaiADB SdaiADB adb = sdaiCreateEmptyADB(); int_t adb = 0; // it is important to initialize
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiADB, adb); ifcengine.sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, ifcengine.sdaiADB, out adb);
sdaiDeleteADB (adb);
SdaiADB adb = nullptr; // it is important to initialize
sdaiGetAggrByIndex (aggregate, index, sdaiADB, &adb);
TCHAR is “char” or “wchar_t” depending on setStringUnicode.
(Non-standard behavior) sdaiLOGICAL behaves differently from ISO 10303-24-2001: it expects char* while standard declares int_t.
(Non-standard extension) sdiADB in C++ has an option to work without sdaiCreateEmptyADB and sdaiDeleteADB as shown in the table.
Table 2 - valueType can be requested depending on actual model data.
valueType Works for following values in the model
integer real .T. or .F. .U. other enum binary string instance list $ (empty)
sdaiINTEGER Yes Yes * . . . . . . . .
sdaiREAL Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
sdaiNUMBER Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
sdaiBOOLEAN . . Yes . . . . . . .
sdaiLOGICAL . . Yes Yes . . . . . .
sdaiENUM . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . .
sdaiBINARY . . . . . Yes . . . .
sdaiSTRING Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . . .
sdaiUNICODE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . . .
sdaiEXPRESSSTRING Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . . .
sdaiINSTANCE . . . . . . . Yes . .
sdaiAGGR . . . . . . . . Yes .
sdaiADB Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes .
Note: sdaiGetAttr, stdaiGetAttrBN, engiGetElement will success with any model data, except non-set($)
(Non-standard extensions) sdaiGetADBValue: sdaiADB is allowed and will success when sdaiGetADBTypePath is not NULL, returning ABD value has type path element removed.
// // Strong typing definition // void * sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const SdaiAggr aggregate, SdaiAggrIndex index, SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, void * value ); static inline SdaiInstance sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const SdaiAggr aggregate, SdaiAggrIndex index, SdaiInstance * sdaiInstance ) { return (SdaiInstance) sdaiGetAggrByIndex( aggregate, index, sdaiINSTANCE, // valueType (void*) sdaiInstance // value ); } static inline SdaiInstance sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const SdaiAggr aggregate, SdaiAggrIndex index ) { SdaiInstance sdaiInstance = 0; return sdaiGetAggrByIndex( aggregate, index, &sdaiInstance // value ); } // // Weak typing definition // void __declspec(dllexport) * __stdcall sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const int_t * aggregate, int_t index, int_t valueType, void * value ); static inline void sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const int_t * aggregate, int_t index, int_t * sdaiInstance ) { return (SdaiInstance) sdaiGetAggrByIndex( aggregate, index, sdaiINSTANCE, // valueType (void*) sdaiInstance // value ); } static inline void sdaiGetAggrByIndex( const int_t * aggregate, int_t index ) { SdaiInstance sdaiInstance = 0; return sdaiGetAggrByIndex( aggregate, index, &sdaiInstance // value ); }