// // Strong typing definition // void sdaiPutADBTypePath( const SdaiADB ADB, int_t pathCount, SdaiString path ); static inline void sdaiPutADBTypePath( const SdaiADB ADB, int_t pathCount, char * path ) { return sdaiPutADBTypePath( ADB, pathCount, (SdaiString) path ); } // // Weak typing definition // void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall sdaiPutADBTypePath( const void * ADB, int_t pathCount, const char * path ); static inline void sdaiPutADBTypePath( const void * ADB, int_t pathCount, char * path ) { return sdaiPutADBTypePath( ADB, pathCount, (const SdaiString) path ); }
Property ADB
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)Property pathCount
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)Property path
Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call sdaiPutADBTypePath can be used.
#include "./include/ifcengine.h" // // #13131 = IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT(IFCPLANEANGLEMEASURE(1.745E-2), #31313); // #31313 = IFCSIUNIT(*, .PLANEANGLEUNIT., $, .RADIAN.); // int_t buildSIUnitInstance(int_t model, char * UnitType, char * Prefix, char * Name) { // #31313 = IFCSIUNIT(*, .PLANEANGLEUNIT., $, .RADIAN.); int_t ifcSIUnitInstance = sdaiCreateInstanceBN(model, "IFCSIUNIT"); sdaiPutAttrBN(ifcSIUnitInstance, "UnitType", sdaiENUM, UnitType); if (Prefix) { sdaiPutAttrBN(ifcSIUnitInstance, "Prefix", sdaiENUM, Prefix); } sdaiPutAttrBN(ifcSIUnitInstance, "Name", sdaiENUM, Name); return ifcSIUnitInstance; } int_t buildMeasureWithUnitInstance(int_t model) { void * valueComponentADB; double valueComponent= 0.01745; // #13131 = IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT(IFCPLANEANGLEMEASURE(1.745E-2), #31313); int_t ifcMeasureWithUnitInstance = sdaiCreateInstanceBN(model, "IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT"); valueComponentADB = sdaiCreateADB(sdaiREAL, &valueComponent); sdaiPutADBTypePath(valueComponentADB, 1, "IFCPLANEANGLEMEASURE"); sdaiPutAttrBN(ifcMeasureWithUnitInstance, "ValueComponent", sdaiADB, (void*) valueComponentADB); sdaiPutAttrBN(ifcMeasureWithUnitInstance, "UnitComponent", sdaiINSTANCE, (void*) buildSIUnitInstance(model, "PLANEANGLEUNIT", 0, "RADIAN")); return ifcMeasureWithUnitInstance; }