public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll"; [DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "engiGetEntityCount")] public static extern Int32 engiGetEntityCount(int_t model);
Property model
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (value)
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call engiGetEntityCount can be used.
using RDF; // include at least engine.cs within your solution void WriteEntities(Int64 model) { Int64 i = 0, cnt = IfcEngine.x64.engiGetEntityCount(model); while (i < cnt) { IntPtr entityNamePtr = IntPtr.Zero; Int64 ifcEntity = IfcEngine.x64.engiGetEntityElement(model, i); IfcEngine.x64.engiGetEntityName(ifcEntity, IfcEngine.x64.sdaiSTRING, out entityNamePtr); string entityName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(entityNamePtr); Console.WriteLine("Entity " + entityName); } }