public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll"; [DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "sdaiGetADBType")] public static extern Int32 sdaiGetADBType(int_t ADB);
Property ADB
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)
Example (based on pure API calls)
Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call sdaiGetADBType can be used.
using RDF; // include at least engine.cs within your solution // // ENTITY IfcProperty; // Name : IfcIdentifier; // Description : OPTIONAL IfcText; // INVERSE // PropertyForDependance : SET OF IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship FOR DependingProperty; // PropertyDependsOn : SET OF IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship FOR DependantProperty; // PartOfComplex : SET [0:1] OF IfcComplexProperty FOR HasProperties; // ENTITY IfcSimpleProperty; // ENTITY IfcPropertySingleValue; // NominalValue : OPTIONAL IfcValue; // Unit : OPTIONAL IfcUnit; // void GetIfcPropertySingleValue(Int64 model, Int64 ifcPropertySingleValue) { // // for example: // #31313 = IFCPROPERTYSINGLEVALUE('Category',$,IFCLABEL('Rooms'),$); // string name, description; ifcengine.sdaiGetAttrBN(ifcPropertySingleValue, "Name", ifcengine.sdaiUNICODE, out name); // name = 'Category' ifcengine.sdaiGetAttrBN(ifcPropertySingleValue, "Description", ifcengine.sdaiUNICODE, out description); // description = null Int64 nominalValueADB = 0; ifcengine.sdaiGetAttrBN(ifcPropertySingleValue, "NominalValue", ifcengine.sdaiADB, out nominalValueADB); string typePath = ifcengine.sdaiGetADBTypePathx(nominalValueADB, 0); // typePath = 'IFCLABEL' switch (ifcengine.sdaiGetADBType(nominalValueADB)) { case ifcengine.sdaiSTRING: string nominalValue; ifcengine.sdaiGetADBValue(nominalValueADB, ifcengine.sdaiUNICODE, out nominalValue); // nominalValue = 'Rooms' break; ... default: break; } string unit; ifcengine.sdaiGetAttrBN(ifcPropertySingleValue, "Unit", ifcengine.sdaiUNICODE, out unit); // unit = null }