
Allows to get the time limit in seconds, value 0 means no time limit, input can be left to NULL if not relevant. Allows to get the count limit, value 0 means no count limit, input can be left to NULL if not relevant. Allows to get hide redundant issues, input can be left to NULL if not relevant. Return value is the issueTypes enabled according to the mask given.

    bit 0:  (__KNOWN_ENTITY)                    entity is defined in the schema
    bit 1:  (__NO_OF_ARGUMENTS)                 number of arguments
    bit 2:  (__ARGUMENT_EXPRESS_TYPE)           argument value is correct entity, defined type or enumeration value
    bit 3:  (__ARGUMENT_PRIM_TYPE)              argument value has correct primitive type
    bit 4:  (__REQUIRED_ARGUMENTS)              non-optional arguments values are provided
    bit 5:  (__ARRGEGATION_EXPECTED)            aggregation is provided when expected
    bit 6:  (__AGGREGATION_NOT_EXPECTED)        aggregation is not used when not expected
    bit 7:  (__AGGREGATION_SIZE)                aggregation size
    bit 8:  (__AGGREGATION_UNIQUE)              elements in aggregations are unique when required
    bit 9:  (__COMPLEX_INSTANCE)                complex instances contains full parent chains
    bit 10: (__REFERENCE_EXISTS)                referenced instance exists
    bit 11: (__ABSTRACT_ENTITY)                 abstract entity should not instantiate
    bit 12: (__WHERE_RULE)                      where-rule check
    bit 13: (__UNIQUE_RULE)                     unique-rule check
    bit 14: (__STAR_USAGE)                      * is used only for derived arguments
    bit 15: (__CALL_ARGUMENT)                   validateModel / validateInstance function argument should be model / instance
    bit 63: (__INTERNAL_ERROR)                  unspecified error


public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll";

[DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "validateGetOptions")]
public static extern UInt64 validateGetOptions(out int_t timeLimitSeconds, out int_t issueCntLimit, out bool showEachIssueOnce, UInt64 mask);    

Property timeLimitSeconds

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property issueCntLimit

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property showEachIssueOnce

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property mask

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)