bit 0: (__KNOWN_ENTITY) entity is defined in the schema
bit 1: (__NO_OF_ARGUMENTS) number of arguments
bit 2: (__ARGUMENT_EXPRESS_TYPE) argument value is correct entity, defined type or enumeration value
bit 3: (__ARGUMENT_PRIM_TYPE) argument value has correct primitive type
bit 4: (__REQUIRED_ARGUMENTS) non-optional arguments values are provided
bit 5: (__ARRGEGATION_EXPECTED) aggregation is provided when expected
bit 6: (__AGGREGATION_NOT_EXPECTED) aggregation is not used when not expected
bit 7: (__AGGREGATION_SIZE) aggregation size
bit 8: (__AGGREGATION_UNIQUE) elements in aggregations are unique when required
bit 9: (__COMPLEX_INSTANCE) complex instances contains full parent chains
bit 10: (__REFERENCE_EXISTS) referenced instance exists
bit 11: (__ABSTRACT_ENTITY) abstract entity should not instantiate
bit 12: (__WHERE_RULE) where-rule check
bit 13: (__UNIQUE_RULE) unique-rule check
bit 14: (__STAR_USAGE) * is used only for derived arguments
bit 15: (__CALL_ARGUMENT) validateModel / validateInstance function argument should be model / instance
bit 63: (__INTERNAL_ERROR) unspecified error
public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll"; [DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "validateGetOptions")] public static extern UInt64 validateGetOptions(out int_t timeLimitSeconds, out int_t issueCntLimit, out bool showEachIssueOnce, UInt64 mask);
Property timeLimitSeconds
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)???.
Property issueCntLimit
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)???.
Property showEachIssueOnce
Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)???.