
Return value is the issueStatus (enum_validation_status):

    value 0:    (__NONE)                        no status set
    value 1:    (__COMPLETE_ALL)                all issues proceed
    value 2:    (__COMPLETE_NOT_ALL)            completed but some issues were excluded by option settings
    value 3:    (__TIME_EXCEED)                 validation was finished because of reach time limit
    value 4:    (__COUNT_EXCEED)                validation was finished because of reach of issue's numbers limit


public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll";

[DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "validateGetStatus")]
public static extern enum_validation_status validateGetStatus(int_t results);    

Property results

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)