
Returns the name of the property, if the property does not exist it returns nullptr.


//   Strong typing definition
const char      * GetNameOfProperty(
                        RdfProperty             rdfProperty,
                        const char              ** name

static  inline  const char  * GetNameOfProperty(
                                    RdfProperty             rdfProperty,
                                    char                    ** name
    return  GetNameOfProperty(
                    (const char**) name

static  inline  const char  * GetNameOfProperty(
                                    RdfProperty             rdfProperty
    return  GetNameOfProperty(
                    (const char**) nullptr              //    name

//   Weak typing definition
const char  __declspec(dllexport) * __stdcall   GetNameOfProperty(
                                                        int64_t                 rdfProperty,
                                                        const char              ** name

static  inline  const char  * GetNameOfProperty(
                                    int64_t                 rdfProperty,
                                    char                    ** name
    return  GetNameOfProperty(
                    (const char**) name

static  inline  const char  * GetNameOfProperty(
                                    int64_t                 rdfProperty
    return  GetNameOfProperty(
                    (const char**) nullptr              //    name

Property rdfProperty

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (value)
This attribute represents a handle to the property, this can be either a datatype property (attribute), an object property (relation) or non-defined property. The handle will be static during the life-time of the model, when the model (or part of it) is saved and opened again, the handle will most probably be different.

Property name

Size: 64 bit / 8 byte (reference)
This attribute represents the name of the property; either a datatype property or a relation (given as char array / ASCII). The name is defined in space allocated by the library, this memory will be released as soon as the model is closed, or memory release is forced by CleanMemory.

Example (based on pure API calls)

Here you can find code snippits that show how the API call GetNameOfProperty can be used.

#include    "./include/engine.h"
#include    <cmath>

int64_t model = CreateModel();

if (model) {
    //  Classes
    int64_t classCollection = GetClassByName(model, "Collection"),
            classCube = GetClassByName(model, "Cube");

    //  Object Properties (relations)
    int64_t propertyAbcd = CreateProperty(model, OBJECTPROPERTY_TYPE, "abcd"),
            propertyObjects = GetPropertyByName(model, "objects");

    //  Datatype Properties (attributes)
    int64_t propertyLength = GetPropertyByName(model, "length"),
            propertyEfgh = CreateProperty(model, DATATYPEPROPERTY_TYPE_DOUBLE, "efgh");

    //  Instances (creating)
    int64_t instanceCollection = CreateInstance(classCollection, nullptr),
            instanceCube = CreateInstance(classCube, nullptr);

    double  length = 2.,
            efgh = 1.7;

    SetDatatypeProperty(instanceCube, propertyLength, &length, 1);
    SetDatatypeProperty(instanceCollection, propertyEfgh, &efgh, 1);

    assert(GetVolume(instanceCollection, 0, 0) == 0.);

    char    * propertyNameI = nullptr;
    GetNameOfProperty(propertyAbcd, &propertyNameI);

    char    * propertyNameII = nullptr;
    GetNameOfProperty(propertyEfgh, &propertyNameII);

    SetNameOfProperty(propertyAbcd, "InverseRelationControledByThirdParty");

    SetObjectProperty(instanceCube, propertyAbcd, &instanceCollection, 1);
    SetObjectProperty(instanceCollection, propertyObjects, &instanceCube, 1);

    assert(GetVolume(instanceCollection, 0, 0) == 8.);

    char    * propertyNameIII = nullptr;
    GetNameOfProperty(propertyAbcd, &propertyNameIII);

    //  The retrieved property names have the following values 
    //      propertyNameI   :  'abcd'
    //      propertyNameII  :  'efgh'
    //      propertyNameIII :  'InverseRelationControledByThirdParty'

    //  The resulting model can be viewed in 3D-Editor.exe
    SaveModel(model, "c:\\created\\myFile.bin");