
This call is deprecated, please use call engiGetAttrDomainNameBN(..) instead.


public const string ifcenginedll = @"ifcengine.dll";

[DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "engiGetAttrDomainBN")]
public static extern IntPtr engiGetAttrDomainBN(int_t entity, string attributeName, out IntPtr domainName);

[DllImport(IFCEngineDLL, EntryPoint = "engiGetAttrDomainBN")]
public static extern IntPtr engiGetAttrDomainBN(int_t entity, byte[] attributeName, out IntPtr domainName);

public static string engiGetAttrDomainBN(int_t entity, out string attributeName)
            IntPtr domainName = IntPtr.Zero;
            engiGetAttrDomainBN(entity, out attributeName, out domainName);
            return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(domainName);

public static string engiGetAttrDomainBN(int_t entity, out string attributeName)
            IntPtr domainName = IntPtr.Zero;
            engiGetAttrDomainBN(entity, out attributeName, out domainName);
            return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(domainName);

Property entity

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (value)

Property attributeName

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)

Property domainName

Size: 32 bit / 4 byte (reference)
The attribute that will be filled with the domain name.