Geometry Modelling Kernel library supporting both Solid Modelling (Boolean operations 2D / 3D) and BREP Modelling (Advanced Faces on NURBS and several dedicated surface definitions) allowing integration of both technologies.
The Geometry Kernel is a library used within all our products including the not mentioned components made in license for our clients. Our Geometry Kernel is a low level library with the basis functionality needed to do advanced (optionally interactive) 3D and 4D renderings. This includes functionality like Boolean Operations, NURBS, Advanced Faces on any Boundary Representation (incl. CSG operations) and triangulation but also support for multiple textures (bi)tangent vectors, colors and smooth surfaces. Optimized for use with OpenGL, DirectX and VULKAN but also usable for pure non-visual calculations like Volume, Area and Perimeter calulcations.
Geometry Kernel is well documented. The documentation is available also offline in the example package.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us in working days - 8:00-18:00 (GMT+2) or send us an email.