Create, edit and read your AP203, AP214, AP242 (ed. 3) files. Geometry can be generated and post processed. The embedded Geometry Kernel support Advanced Faces / BREP modelling for NURBS and all available surface definitions within AP242 ed3.
Create, edit and read your AP203, AP214, AP242 (ed. 3) files. Geometry can be generated and post processed. The embedded Geometry Kernel support Advanced Faces / BREP modelling for NURBS and all available surface definitions within AP242 ed3.
The STEP Engine allows applications to access each entity and attribute of a loaded schema as well as each individual instance and attribute value of a loaded STEP file. As late binding technology is used each schema can is supported and can be loaded, including schemas that is created or adjusted by the client. The STEP Engine has a Geometry Kernel embedded and for specific schemas (AP203, AP214, AP242) the mapping from STEP towards the Geometry Kernel is available. This allows visualizing represented geometry in 3D by the host application, this can be per element, but the geometry can also be post-processed or used for quantity take-off, i.e. volume, area, perimeter, centroid calculations are available directly via the API.
The STEP Engine, IFC Engine and CIS/2 Engine share the same sources and a license covers all available functionality including use of the Geometry Kernel as such. A royalty free license (unlimited in amount and time) with access to all source code is available. The sources are C++ 11 compatible and can be compiled on virtually any Operating System in 32 bit or 64 bit. Out of the box we offer compilations and examples for Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android. The API is defined to optimize performance and allow use on different languages, C++, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic (.NET), JAVA as well as higher level languages.
STEP Engine is well documented. The documentation is available also offline in the example package.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us in working days - 8:00-18:00 (GMT+2) or send us an email.